I gave this car trunk organizer 5 stars in Amazon, but it is definitely worth more than 5 stars. The quality of it really is top-notch. I love how the sides of each compartment are strong and sturdy so I'm able to put larger, heavier grocery items in it and the organizer is strong enough to hold them in place. I also love that it has an extra piece that I can Velcro in the middle of 1 side to make 2 compartments. Not only have I used this for my grocery items, but I've even opened it only halfway & put it in my front seat floorboard, and transported a vase that was half filled with water and carried a bundle of flowers - I had no problems at all with the vase ever tipping over causing spillage. This organizer is definitely useful and is the best organizer I've used - I actually have another different organizer which I also really like, but his organizer is definitely the 1 I use primarily because of its versatility & sturdiness. I have to say I love the colors as well, but more importantly, the functionality really could not be better and I couldn't be happier with it, I would definitely recommend it. I received this car trunk organizer free in exchange for my honest review.
Product direct link: http://www.amazon.com/s?marketplaceID=ATVPDKIKX0DER&me=A2R87KTF04K9CI&merchant=A2R87KTF04K9CI&redirect=true&tag=starlings_cto_p1-20&keyword=car+trunk+organizer
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